“Glee” returns… Let the Social Media Begin

I watched the season premiere of “Glee” tonight on Fox, and oh how I love it! Also, can we talk about how they brought in Idina Menzel? SO excited about that. But, enough with my music and theatre love, let’s get down to the Marketing.

“Glee” was the 4th highest trending topic on Twitter, and logging into my Facebook account showed “Glee” related status posts all over the Home page. There are already comments on the premiere episode at Fox.com, and news stories come up in the search engines to discuss the genius Marketing by Fox. “Glee” has over a million fans on Facebook, and several thousand people like their wall posts. It’s a social media marketer’s dream and success story. The thing is, all this talk is turning into a huge fan base that recruits more Gleeks. The buzz also kept the fan base alive and growing during the show’s four month hiatus, and positioning after “American Idol” is set to sky rocket season premiere viewership.

I checked out “Glee” on Bing, and the first search result gave me this link to CNN.com, which talks about the Marketing and audience for the show. I’ve also been impressed with the show’s ability to cross audience barriers, bringing in people of all ages. I got my mom and dad to watch the show with me tonight for the first time, and my mom’s first comment was that they had done an excellent job reaching different people. She’s not a Marketer, but even she can tell that there’s something different about the premise and execution of this show. To add my two cents to the online buzz and loyalty, I encourage you to check out “Glee” if you haven’t already. If not for the music, then at least for the water cooler conversation at the office tomorrow!

BK vs. McDonald’s Commercial

I just saw the craziest commercial the other night! It featured the Burger King mascot breaking into McDonald’s headquarters and stealing the blueprint for a sausage, egg, and cheese muffin. The tagline stated, “It’s not that original, just sausage, egg, and cheese, but it tastes good and it’s only $1.” The end of the commercial shows the Burger King mascot racing through the security gate on a motorcycle, leaving the security guards bewildered.

I have seen Apple vs. Microsoft and Verizon vs. AT&T, but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen food companies directly challenging each other in their advertising. It’s also odd that they aren’t trying to say they are better than McDonald’s, they’re actually trying to say they’re the SAME as McDonald’s. Very interesting in my opinion. I wonder if it’s just gotten to the point that the fast food companies are playing a price game after failing at other tactics. McDonald’s tried to go healthy and go premium, while Burger King has always offered “have it your way” and premium burgers, but now it comes down to saying, “we’re selling the same thing, at the same price… the end.” I haven’t looked into BK’s Marketing recently, but it seems odd that they used this tactic in their advertising. I’ll have to keep my eyes open to see if I can figure out where they’re going with it. But, if nothing else, it caught my attention and kept me talking, so they must be doing something right!

What’s in a Word: Going Green

I’m in a word mood I guess, because this post also deals with word choice in advertising. While walking to the elevators at Adobe corporate, I noticed a 3-section bin with the following labels, “Compost”, “Recycle”, and “Landfill”. Most bins in the Bay area have a place for trash and recycling, and some also include compost. But, so far, Adobe is the only one I’ve seen with the label “Landfill” instead of “Trash”.

For some reason, I find this to be a little humorous. I understand that we all need to do our part to be green, and recycle or compost when we can. They take it a step further by reminding us where our trash ultimately ends up, and it just strikes me as funny. The makers of this bin must be using this word choice as a small guilt trip to those depositing waste in the trash bin, in the hopes of making them remember that they are contributing to a growing problem. I wonder if using the label “landfull” actually makes people stop and think, change their behavior, or chuckle a little. Then again, maybe no one notices… would you?