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I’m Ashley Faus, the owner and writer for Consciously Corporate. I’m a marketer, writer, and speaker by day, and a singer, actor, and fitness fiend by night. I currently work on content strategy for a collaboration software company in Mountain View, CA, and I graduated with an MBA from the University of Texas at Dallas in 2013. In addition to my blog, you can find my writing on TIMEForbes, The Daily Muse, and MarketingProfs. When I’m not working on cool marketing problems at the office, I enjoy working out, performing in musicals, and enjoying the beautiful California weather. I hope you enjoy browsing around the blog, and I’d love to hear from you!

On Consciously Corporate

Consciously Corporate is a blog for everyone in the corporate world, when business is your life. I’ve found that my foray into the corporate world has inevitably collided with my personal world, and I think we all need to discuss the intersection between personal and professional. From how our appearance and online presence affects our personal brand, to office etiquette and politics, to how “business as usual” affects our lives everyday, Consciously Corporate wants to discuss all things business. For some, this discussion is fun, for others, necessary. Whatever your motivation, I hope you’ll engage in the knowledge-sharing to help us all improve our corporate lives.

On my area of expertise

I’m a marketer by education and profession, so you’ll notice that my corporate perspective comes from that of a marketer. I tend to notice ads and promotions, branding and selling, and all things marketing in my daily life, which prompts me to write a lot of posts about marketing subjects.

Two basic principles have shaped my fundamental understanding and practice of marketing. The first, that marketing is about people, attracted me to this arena. The second, that marketing is about growing sales profitably, helped me hone my practical application of marketing. Marketing is not about “selling”. It’s about understanding what problems people and companies face, and then helping them see that you are offering the best solution to their problem.

I enjoy exploring my craft, and I originally started this blog to dive deeper into my field by attempting to look at life through a marketing lens. Once I opened my eyes, my mind started to be overloaded with fun thoughts and discussions. I finally decided that it was time to put those thoughts into the world! (That, and my husband was probably getting sick of hearing me talk about all the fun marketing I had noticed that day, so I thought I’d share with people who can relate!)

On Alliteration

The site went from Musing Marketing to Consciously Corporate, and some of my categories start with the same letter. There’s no real rhyme or reason, I just like catchy phrases… I’m a marketer, what do you expect? If you think some crucial subject that uses a catchy name is missing, please let me know!

Note that all views expressed on the blog are my own, and do not reflect the opinions of my employer.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: The Most » Consciously Corporate - When business is your life.

  2. Cliff Larson

    Hi there Ashley!

    I really enjoy reading personal blogs and especially ones that I can learn from, such as yours! I just wanted to comment to say I really enjoyed your TIME article: “Three Questions…” that is mentioned here in your About section. It was especially poignant because I will hopefully be making a career change in the next 6-8 months so it was the perfect article. It’s kind of late now lol but I plan to read your other articles and exploring more of your blog.

    Take care!



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