More Speaking! More Writing! More Sharing!

I’ve been busy for allllll of 2021, which is great! I’ve been fortunate to receive invitations to interview, present, and write, so here’s a few of the places I’ve shared over the last few months:

I shared an in-depth look at my 4-pillar thought leadership framework at INBOUND 2021. INBOUND is always a highlight. The team is excellent, the audience is engaged, and the rest of the speakers share timely insights. I also got a chance to co-present with a colleague at Hubspot GROW ANZ. We talked about what it looks like to work together on thought leadership. We shared our journey to build her thought leadership platform, including a sneak peek at the content she’s been sharing over the last 6 months.

I also shared more details about my thought leadership framework with MarketingProfs in this article.

And here’s a few interviews, discussing the content playground, content depths, thought leadership, and social media!

Leveraging Thought Leadership

CloudflareTV, Yes We Can!

SaaS Marketing Superstars

Last, I’m thrilled to be included in the “50 Top B2B Marketing Influencers, Experts and Speakers To Follow In 2022” list from TopRank Marketing.

More Articles, More Presentations

I ended 2020 with a few additional speaking gigs, and I haven’t slowed down!

I published an in-depth article on the CXL blog about the content playground, including several excellent examples from several teams at Atlassian. If you’re looking for a detailed read about how the playground comes to life, check out this article!

I also shared my thought leadership framework at MarketingProfs B2BForum in November, and I’m thrilled to join the line-up again for their virtual spring conference in April. Register to attend and use B2BFRIENDS to receive a $50 discount on your ticket!

I had a FASCINATING conversation with Scott A. Martin on the Groundswell podcast, and covered all sorts of crazy topics with Joseph Jaffe on his multi-streamed CoronaTV series (I discovered an excellent live-streaming platform called Streamyard during this interview, which I’m now using to produce Agile & DevOps livestreams for Atlassian if you want to tune in).

In a slightly different vein, I co-authored an article on micro-feedback with my colleague, Molly Hellerman. We’ll be co-presenting a webinar as part of Atlassian’s Team series later this spring.

I’ve got several sessions and interviews coming up over the next few months, including:
March: Digital Marketing World Forum, Digital Summit, Brand ManageCamp
April: MarketingProfs B2B Forum, AMA Ignite!, Content Marketing Conference
May: Fire&Spark Webinar
June: OmnichannelX

Stay tuned for on-demand links and recaps from the next few months of nerding out about marketing.

Speaking at Hubspot INBOUND

I got the chance to speak at INBOUND 2019, and I actually presented two sessions! My sessions were titled, “Beyond the Editorial Calendar: New Rules of Content Strategy”, and I talked about what I think the new model should be for content marketing (hint: it’s past the looping decision journey).

There’s a (unfortunately low-quality) recording on my “As Seen On” tab, and slides are available here.

And if you’re interested in insights from other presenters, I posted a recap article on LinkedIn.

Speaking at Women Who Kick Ass

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Thrilled to be sharing at a different type of event next week! If you’re local in the Bay Area, I’d love to see you there.

I don’t have a silver bullet for getting a ton of interviews, securing multiple offers, or generally being awesome at life and career. I can, however, offer insight into the frameworks and models that helped me go from barista to businesswoman and stories of successes that should have been failures. Join me for an evening of cringeworthy calls and triumphant tales about the quest for the dream job. Register to attend in Mountain View!