More Articles, More Presentations

I ended 2020 with a few additional speaking gigs, and I haven’t slowed down!

I published an in-depth article on the CXL blog about the content playground, including several excellent examples from several teams at Atlassian. If you’re looking for a detailed read about how the playground comes to life, check out this article!

I also shared my thought leadership framework at MarketingProfs B2BForum in November, and I’m thrilled to join the line-up again for their virtual spring conference in April. Register to attend and use B2BFRIENDS to receive a $50 discount on your ticket!

I had a FASCINATING conversation with Scott A. Martin on the Groundswell podcast, and covered all sorts of crazy topics with Joseph Jaffe on his multi-streamed CoronaTV series (I discovered an excellent live-streaming platform called Streamyard during this interview, which I’m now using to produce Agile & DevOps livestreams for Atlassian if you want to tune in).

In a slightly different vein, I co-authored an article on micro-feedback with my colleague, Molly Hellerman. We’ll be co-presenting a webinar as part of Atlassian’s Team series later this spring.

I’ve got several sessions and interviews coming up over the next few months, including:
March: Digital Marketing World Forum, Digital Summit, Brand ManageCamp
April: MarketingProfs B2B Forum, AMA Ignite!, Content Marketing Conference
May: Fire&Spark Webinar
June: OmnichannelX

Stay tuned for on-demand links and recaps from the next few months of nerding out about marketing.

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